Chapter 1 (11)ms. Ma's Website

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Learn ms studies chapter 12 with free interactive flashcards. Choose from 500 different sets of ms studies chapter 12 flashcards on Quizlet. PDF - Chapter 8 - Politics, Immigration, and Urban Life, 1970-1915 PDF - Chapter 9 - Life at the Turn of the Twentieth Century 1870-1915 Unit 3 The United States on the Brink of Change 1890-1920 PDF - Chapter 10 - Becoming an World Power 1890-1915 PDF - Chapter 11 - The Progressive Reform Era 1890-1920 PDF - Chapter 12 - World War I Era 1914-1920. Isekai Adventurer Alphabet Explanations. If you've ever read an isekai, you're probably familiar with the scene where the protagonist goes to the adventurer's guild and gets an explanation of the guild ranking system, often in the form of some alphabet, usually arranged like a pyramid (but not always). The Board's primary objective is to ensure the protection of the health, safety and welfare of Mississippians through implementation and enforcement of laws involving the licensing and regulation of physicians, podiatrists, physician assistants, radiology assistants and acupuncturists and through the objective enforcement of the Mississippi Medical Practice Act.

Big-data is transforming the world. Here you will learn data mining and machine learning techniques to process large datasets and extract valuable knowledge from them.

The book

The book is based on Stanford Computer Science course CS246: Mining Massive Datasets (and CS345A: Data Mining).

The book, like the course, is designed at the undergraduate computer science level with no formal prerequisites. To support deeper explorations, most of the chapters are supplemented with further reading references.

The Mining of Massive Datasets book has been published by Cambridge University Press. You can get a 20% discount by applying the code MMDS20 at checkout.

By agreement with the publisher, you can download the book for free from this page. Cambridge University Press does, however, retain copyright on the work, and we expect that you will obtain their permission and acknowledge our authorship if you republish parts or all of it.

We welcome your feedback on the manuscript.

Chapter 1 (11)ms. Ma

The 3rd edition of the book

The following is the third edition of the book. It contains new material on Spark, Tensorflow, minhashing, community-finding, simrank, graph algorithms, and decision trees. There is a new chapter 13, covering deep learning.

We also offer a set of lecture slides that we use for teaching Stanford CS246: Mining Massive Datasets course. Note that the slides do not necessarily cover all the material convered in the corresponding chapters.

Preface and Table of ContentsPDF
Chapter 1Data Mining PDFPDFPPT
Chapter 2Map-Reduce and the New Software StackPDFPDFPPT12345678
Chapter 3Finding Similar ItemsPDFPDFPPT12345678910111213
Chapter 4Mining Data StreamsPDFPart 1:
Part 2:
Chapter 5Link AnalysisPDFPart 1:
Part 2:
Chapter 6Frequent ItemsetsPDFPDFPPT1234
Chapter 7ClusteringPDFPDFPPT12345
Chapter 8Advertising on the WebPDFPDFPPT1234
Chapter 9Recommendation SystemsPDFPart 1:
Part 2:
Chapter 10Mining Social-Network GraphsPDFPart 1:
Part 2:
Chapter 11Dimensionality ReductionPDFPDFPPT123456789101112
Chapter 12Large-Scale Machine LearningPDFPart 1:
Part 2:
Chapter 13Neural Nets and Deep LearningPDF
Chapter 1 (11)ms. ma

Download the latest version of the book as a single big PDF file (603 pages, 3.6 MB).

The Errata for the third edition of the book: HTML.

Download slides (PPT) in French:Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10. Courtesy of Richard Khoury.

Note to the users of provided slides: We would be delighted if you found this our material useful in giving your own lectures. Feel free to use these slides verbatim, or to modify them to fit your own needs. PowerPoint originals are available. If you make use of a significant portion of these slides in your own lecture, please include this message, or a link to our web site:

Comments and corrections are most welcome. Please let us know if you are using these materials in your course and we will list and link to your course.

Stanford big data courses


CS246: Mining Massive Datasets is graduate level course that discusses data mining and machine learning algorithms for analyzing very large amounts of data. The emphasis is on Map Reduce as a tool for creating parallel algorithms that can process very large amounts of data.


CS341 Project in Mining Massive Data Sets is an advanced project based course. Students work on data mining and machine learning algorithms for analyzing very large amounts of data. Both interesting big datasets as well as computational infrastructure (large MapReduce cluster) are provided by course staff. Generally, students first take CS246 followed by CS341.

CS341 is generously supported by Amazon by giving us access to their EC2 platform.


CS224W: Social and Information Networks is graduate level course that covers recent research on the structure and analysis of such large social and information networks and on models and algorithms that abstract their basic properties. Class explores how to practically analyze large scale network data and how to reason about it through models for network structure and evolution.

You can take Stanford courses!

If you are not a Stanford student, you can still take CS246 as well as CS224W or earn a Stanford Mining Massive Datasets graduate certificate by completing a sequence of four Stanford Computer Science courses. A graduate certificate is a great way to keep the skills and knowledge in your field current. More information is available at the Stanford Center for Professional Development (SCPD).

Supporting materials

If you are an instructor interested in using the Gradiance Automated Homework System with this book, start by creating an account for yourself here. Then, email your chosen login and the request to become an instructor for the MMDS book to You will then be able to create a class using these materials. Manuals explaining the use of the system are available here.

Chapter 1 (11)ms. Ma's Website Book

Students who want to use the Gradiance Automated Homework System for self-study can register here. Then, use the class token 1EDD8A1D to join the 'omnibus class' for the MMDS book. See The Student Guide for more information.

Previous versions of the book

The 2nd edition of the book (v2.1)

The following is the second edition of the book. There are three new chapters, on mining large graphs, dimensionality reduction, and machine learning. There is also a revised Chapter 2 that treats map-reduce programming in a manner closer to how it is used in practice.

Together with each chapter there is aslo a set of lecture slides that we use for teaching Stanford CS246: Mining Massive Datasets course. Note that the slides do not necessarily cover all the material convered in the corresponding chapters.

Chapter 1 (11)ms. Ma's Website Login

Preface and Table of ContentsPDF
Chapter 1Data Mining PDFPDFPPT
Chapter 2Map-Reduce and the New Software StackPDFPDFPPT12345678
Chapter 3Finding Similar ItemsPDFPDFPPT12345678910111213
Chapter 4Mining Data StreamsPDFPart 1:
Part 2:
Chapter 5Link AnalysisPDFPart 1:
Part 2:
Chapter 6Frequent ItemsetsPDFPDFPPT1234
Chapter 7ClusteringPDFPDFPPT12345
Chapter 8Advertising on the WebPDFPDFPPT1234
Chapter 9Recommendation SystemsPDFPart 1:
Part 2:
Chapter 10Mining Social-Network GraphsPDFPart 1:
Part 2:
Chapter 11Dimensionality ReductionPDFPDFPPT123456789101112
Chapter 12Large-Scale Machine LearningPDFPart 1:
Part 2:

Download the latest version of the book as a single big PDF file (511 pages, 3 MB).

Download the full version of the book with a hyper-linked table of contents that make it easy to jump around: PDF file (513 pages, 3.69 MB).

The Errata for the second edition of the book: HTML.

Download slides (PPT) in French:Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10. Courtesy of Richard Khoury.

Note to the users of provided slides: We would be delighted if you found this our material useful in giving your own lectures. Feel free to use these slides verbatim, or to modify them to fit your own needs. PowerPoint originals are available. If you make use of a significant portion of these slides in your own lecture, please include this message, or a link to our web site:

Version 1.0

The following materials are equivalent to the published book, with errata corrected to July 4, 2012.

Preface and Table of ContentsPDF
Chapter 1Data MiningPDF
Chapter 2Large-Scale File Systems and Map-ReducePDF
Chapter 3Finding Similar ItemsPDF
Chapter 4Mining Data StreamsPDF
Chapter 5Link AnalysisPDF
Chapter 6Frequent ItemsetsPDF
Chapter 7ClusteringPDF
Chapter 8Advertising on the WebPDF
Chapter 9Recommendation SystemsPDF

Download the book as published here (340 pages, 2 MB).

Chapter 1 (11)ms. Ma's Website Page

PDF Chapters

Unit 1: Beginnings to 1861
PDF - Chapter 1 - Origins of a New Society
PDF - Chapter 2 - Balancing Liberty and Order
PDF - Chapter 3 - An Emerging New Nation
Unit 2: Building a Powerful Nation 1850-1915
PDF - Chapter 4 - Civil War
PDF - Chapter 5 - Reconstruction
PDF - Chapter 6 - The Expansion of American Industry
PDF - Chapter 7 - Looking to the West
PDF - Chapter 8 - Politics, Immigration, and Urban Life, 1970-1915
PDF - Chapter 9 - Life at the Turn of the Twentieth Century 1870-1915
Unit 3 The United States on the Brink of Change 1890-1920
PDF - Chapter 10 - Becoming an World Power 1890-1915
PDF - Chapter 11 - The Progressive Reform Era 1890-1920
PDF - Chapter 12 - World War I Era 1914-1920
Unit 4 Boom Times to Hard Times 1920-1941
PDF - Chapter 13 - Postwar Social Change 1920-1929
PDF - Chapter 14 - Politics and Prosperity 1920-1929
PDF - Chapter 15 - Crash and Depression
PDF - Chapter 16 - The New Deal 1933-1941
Unit 5 Hot and Cold War
PDF - Chapter 17 - World War II: Road to War 1931-1941
PDF - Chapter 18 - World War II: Americans at War 1941-1945
PDF - Chapter 19 - The Cold War 1945-1960
PDF - Chapter 20 - The Postwar Years at Home 1945-1960
Unit 6 A Period of Turmoil and Change 1950-1975
PDF - Chapter 21 - The Civil Rights Movement 1950-1968
PDF - Chapter 22 - The Kennedy and Johnson Years 1961-1969
PDF - Chapter 23 - An Era of Activism 1960-1975
PDF - Chapter 24 - The Vietnam War 1954-1975
Unit 7 Continuity and Change
PDF - Chapter 25 - Nixon, Ford, Carter, 1969-1981
PDF - Chapter 26 - The Conservative Revolution 1980-1992
PDF - Chapter 27 - Entering a New Era 1992 to the Present


Unit 1: Beginnings to 1861
PowerPoint - Chapter 1 - Origins of a New Society
PowerPoint - Chapter 2 - Balancing Liberty and Order
PowerPoint - Chapter 3 - An Emerging New Nation
Unit 2: Building a Powerful Nation 1850-1915
PowerPoint - Chapter 4 - Civil War
PowerPoint - Chapter 5 - Reconstruction
PowerPoint - Chapter 6 - The Expansion of American Industry
PowerPoint - Chapter 7 - Looking to the West
PowerPoint - Chapter 8 - Politics, Immigration, and Urban Life, 1970-1915
PowerPoint - Chapter 9 - Life at the Turn of the Twentieth Century 1870-1915
Unit 3 The United States on the Brink of Change 1890-1920
PowerPoint - Chapter 10 - Becoming an World Power 1890-1915
PowerPoint - Chapter 11 - The Progressive Reform Era 1890-1920
PowerPoint - Chapter 12 - World War I Era 1914-1920
Unit 4 Boom Times to Hard Times 1920-1941
PowerPoint - Chapter 13 - Postwar Social Change 1920-1929
PowerPoint - Chapter 14 - Politics and Prosperity 1920-1929
PowerPoint - Chapter 15 - Crash and Depression
PowerPoint - Chapter 16 - The New Deal 1933-1941
Unit 5 Hot and Cold War
PowerPoint - Chapter 17 - World War II: Road to War 1931-1941
PowerPoint - Chapter 18 - World War II: Americans at War 1941-1945
PowerPoint - Chapter 19 - The Cold War 1945-1960
PowerPoint - Chapter 20 - The Postwar Years at Home 1945-1960
Unit 6 A Period of Turmoil and Change 1950-1975
PowerPoint - Chapter 21 - The Civil Rights Movement 1950-1968
PowerPoint - Chapter 22 - The Kennedy and Johnson Years 1961-1969
PowerPoint - Chapter 23 - An Era of Activism 1960-1975
PowerPoint - Chapter 24 - The Vietnam War 1954-1975
Unit 7 Continuity and Change
PowerPoint - Chapter 25 - Nixon, Ford, Carter, 1969-1981
PowerPoint - Chapter 26 - The Conservative Revolution 1980-1992
PowerPoint - Chapter 27 - Entering a New Era 1992 to the Present


Unit 1: Beginnings to 1861
Quizlet - Chapter 1 - Origins of a New Society
Quizlet - Chapter 2 - Balancing Liberty and Order
Quizlet - Chapter 3 - An Emerging New Nation
Unit 2: Building a Powerful Nation 1850-1915
Quizlet - Chapter 4 - Civil War
Quizlet - Chapter 5 - Reconstruction
Quizlet - Chapter 6 - The Expansion of American Industry
Quizlet - Chapter 7 - Looking to the West
Quizlet - Chapter 8 - Politics, Immigration, and Urban Life, 1970-1915
Quizlet - Chapter 9 - Life at the Turn of the Twentieth Century 1870-1915
Unit 3 The United States on the Brink of Change 1890-1920
Quizlet - Chapter 10 - Becoming an World Power 1890-1915
Quizlet - Chapter 11 - The Progressive Reform Era 1890-1920
Quizlet - Chapter 12 - World War I Era 1914-1920
Unit 4 Boom Times to Hard Times 1920-1941
Quizlet - Chapter 13 - Postwar Social Change 1920-1929
Quizlet - Chapter 14 - Politics and Prosperity 1920-1929
Quizlet - Chapter 15 - Crash and Depression
Quizlet - Chapter 16 - The New Deal 1933-1941
Unit 5 Hot and Cold War
Quizlet - Chapter 17 - World War II: Road to War 1931-1941
Quizlet - Chapter 18 - World War II: Americans at War 1941-1945
Quizlet - Chapter 19 - The Cold War 1945-1960
Quizlet - Chapter 20 - The Postwar Years at Home 1945-1960
Unit 6 A Period of Turmoil and Change 1950-1975
Quizlet - Chapter 21 - The Civil Rights Movement 1950-1968
Quizlet - Chapter 22 - The Kennedy and Johnson Years 1961-1969
Quizlet - Chapter 23 - An Era of Activism 1960-1975
Quizlet - Chapter 24 - The Vietnam War 1954-1975
Unit 7 Continuity and Change
Quizlet - Chapter 25 - Nixon, Ford, Carter, 1969-1981
Quizlet - Chapter 26 - The Conservative Revolution 1980-1992
Quizlet - Chapter 27 - Entering a New Era 1992 to the Present