Examples of better late than never in a sentence, how to use it. 24 examples: Well, better late than never, but where on earth have our colleagues been all. It looks like the vacation is over. Recently, Jeff Dye confirmed that NBC has cancelled Better Late Than Never after two seasons. The reality show follows Henry Winkler, William Shatner, Terry. Better Late Than Never is an American reality-travel show which aired on NBC and was produced by Universal Television (under its Universal Television Alternative name), in association with Storyline Entertainment. The series is an adaptation of the South Korean Grandpas Over Flowers series. #119: Better Late than Never (Digital) Adventures in Odyssey. MSRP: $1.99 Was: $1.99 Sale: $1.39 (You save $0.60 ) (No reviews yet) Write a Review Write a Review × Adventures in Odyssey #119: Better Late than Never (Digital) Rating Required.
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Idiom: better late than never
- it’s good that something happened now even though it would have been better if it had happened earlier
Example sentences
— The dress arrived after the dance but better late than never—I’ll wear it to the next event.

— I handed in my term paper a day late, but it was better late than never because the teacher only marked it down one grade.

— Our flight was delayed 5 hours but better late than never because they closed the airport after the plane departed.
— We only arrived at the game at halftime but better late than never.
— Just come over now—it's better late than never and Grandpa would really appreciate the effort.
— We just received the report. We should have had it yesterday but it's better late than never.
— A: Sorry it took me a year to pay you back the $500 I borrowed. B: Thanks, it's better late than never.
— Unfortunately, we arrived when dessert was being served but it was better late than never.
- it's high time
- not a moment too soon
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- Idiom: better late than never