David S. Ferriero, 10th Archivist of the United States Find out more: The AOTUS Blog Speeches and Writings David S. Ferriero s Calendar
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David S. Ferriero was confirmed as 10th Archivist of the United States on November 6, 2009. Early in 2010 he committed the National Archives and Records Administration to the principles of Open Government—transparency, participation, and collaboration. To better position NARA to fulfill these goals, Mr. Ferriero initiated an agency transformation in 2010. The transformation restructured the organization and set goals to further our mission, meet the needs of those who rely on us, and find new, creative ways to approach the agency's work.
This is a fictional piece of writing based off real-life events during the Holocaust. It is not intended to offend anyone and was written for a history project in the perspective of a Russian defector that was freed from Majdanek by Soviet troops during WW2. In this blog, all kinds of creative stories and creative autobiography will be posted in it, Wich will be Self-Created by the Author. These Stories and Autobiographies will bw inspired by ordinary life and will be made with a little creative art, and our Aim will be to make it’s more and more interesting so that you can have maximum entertainment. Page statistics 2788 view(s), 2 edit(s) and 1475 character(s) Comments. You must login to post a comment. Begins working for the Oregon Art Project, funded by the Works Progress Administration’s (WPA) Art Program of the Federal Works Agency, photographing the Front Avenue neighborhood’s historic buildings (before demolition) and the commercial waterfront.
Openness and access drive NARA's actions in a variety of ways. The agency has embraced a number of social media tools—Facebook, Twitter, blogs, YouTube, Tumblr, and others—to reach a wider and broader audience. NARA uses this digital engagement as a two-way street. Early in his tenure, Mr. Ferriero celebrated the contributions of 'citizen archivists,' and he encourages public participation in identifying historical Federal records and sharing knowledge about them.
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Access and protection go hand in hand, and NARA has taken steps to ensure that future generations will continue to enjoy access to Federal records. In August 2012, NARA produced the Managing Government Records Directive to modernize and improve Federal records management practices. Mr. Ferriero also instituted new security measures to deter theft or mishandling of records.

Several new facilities, designed to protect the records and improve access to them, have been opened since 2010. The George W. Bush Presidential Library became the 13th Presidential Library under NARA's administration. The National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis, MO, moved into a newly constructed building that is better equipped to preserve the millions of veterans records in its care. And the National Archives at New York and the National Archives at Denver moved to new locations. In Washington, DC, the National Archives Museum's visitors entrance was reconfigured, and the new David M. Rubenstein Gallery opened in December 2013.
Previously, Mr. Ferriero served as the Andrew W. Mellon Director of the New York Public Libraries (NYPL). He was part of the leadership team responsible for integrating the four research libraries and 87 branch libraries into one seamless service for users, creating the largest public library system in the United States and one of the largest research libraries in the world. Mr. Ferriero was in charge of collection strategy; conservation; digital experience; reference and research services; and education, programming, and exhibitions.
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Before joining the NYPL in 2004, Mr. Ferriero served in top positions at two of the nation's major academic libraries, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, MA, and Duke University in Durham, NC. In those positions, he led major initiatives including the expansion of facilities, the adoption of digital technologies, and a reengineering of printing and publications.
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Mr. Ferriero earned bachelor's and master's degrees in English literature from Northeastern University in Boston and a master's degree from the Simmons College of Library and Information Science, also in Boston. Mr. Ferriero served as a Navy hospital corpsman during the Vietnam War.