For Fire Emblem: Three Houses on the Nintendo Switch, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Tier the class 45: Death Knight'.
The called Hero Class begin their set in Tier 8 ( Linch King )

- As such, it’s time to turn our attention to the Tier 18 Death Knight set bonuses that will be obtainable from the Hellfire Citadel raid. We’ve seen several iterations of these bonuses over the course of the 6.2 testing period, which is the reason behind why I decided to wait until a more stable period before covering them.
- Escape the Lich King's grasp. When creating a death knight, players will begin in an instanced version of the Eastern Plaguelands (called the Scarlet Enclave) in the necropolis Ebon Hold.Death knights are required to complete a fairly extensive quest chain before leaving the instance and joining the rest of the players on their realm.
de Death Knight Tier 7 , Valorous Scourgeborne Battlegear
DK Tier 7 Valorous Scourgeborne Battlegear, raid 10 in lila color
HEAD (Kel’thuzad, Naxxramas 10)
CHEST (The Four Horsemen, Naxxramas 10)
LEGS (Thaddius, Naxxramas 10)
SHOULDERS (Loatheb, Naxxramas 10)
HANDS (Sartharion, Sagrario Obsidiana)
DK Tier 7 Valorous Dreamwalker Battlegear raid 25 men, the brown color
HANDS (Sartharion, The Obsidian Sanctum 25)
HEAD (Kel’Thuzad, Naxxramas 25)
LEGS (Thaddius / Gluth, Naxxramas 25; Archavon , Camara de Archavon 25)
CHEST (The Four Horsemen/ Gluth, Naxxramas 25; Archavon , Camara de Archavon 25)
SHOULDERS (Loatheb / Gluth, Naxxramas 25)
DK Tier 8 Valorous Darkruned Plate (set 5 pieces) in brown color, raid Ulduar 10 men.
HEAD (Mimiron)
LEGS (Hodir)
CHEST (Yogg-Saron)
HANDS (Freya)
DK Tier 8 Valorous Darkruned Plate (set 5 pieces), en color blue color. Raid Ulduar 25 men
HEAD (Thorim)
CHEST (Hodir)
HANDS (Mimiron)
LEGS (Freya)
SHOULDERS (Yogg-Saron)
Tier 9 (set 5 pieces). It had 3 tiers levels but they’re identics. The last Death Knight Tier 9 requiered to have Trophy of the Crusade but This item is no longer available within the game in Raid 25 HC “Trial of the Crusader”.
Death Knight Tier 9 for HORDE , Horde Conqueror's Koltira's Battlegear
Death Knight Tier 9 for ALLIANCE Conqueror's Thassarian's Battlegear
DK tier 10 needs Conqueror’s Mark of Sanctification from Icecrown Citadel (ICC), you can have it killing:Profesor Putricide, Blood-Queen Lana’thel, Sindragosa or The Lich King.
DK Tier 10 (set 5 pieces) with lila color , it needs Conqueror’s Mark of Sanctification from ICC 10 Normal.
DK Tier 10 (set 5 pieces) with blue color, it needs the raid 10 items, and Conqueror’s Mark of Sanctification from ICC 10 HC or ICC 25.
DK Tier10 (set 5 pieces) with red detaills. You need for this DK Tierthe DKTier10 before and Conqueror’s Mark of Sanctification in ICC 25 HC. P
Death Knight Tier For All Of Your Needs Mod
Death Knight Tier 11, Magma Plated Battlearmor
Death Knights Tier 11 (set 5 pieces) in blue color. Points, raids 10 or 25 en normal.
SHOULDERS (Cho’Gall, The Bastion of Twilight)
LEGS (points, Argaloth Baradin Hold)
CHEST (points)
HEAD (Nefarian, Blackwing Descent)
HANDS (points, Argaloth de Baradin Hold)
Death Knight Tier For All Of Your Needs List
Death Knight Tier 11 Heroic (set 5 pieces) in orange color . Raids 10 or 25 Heroics. Requiere el item en normal para ser obtenidas.
SHOULDERS (Cho’Gall, The Bastion of Twilight HC)
CHEST (Halfus, The Bastion of Twilight HC)
LEGS (Maloriak, Blackwing Descent HC)
HEAD (Nefarian, Blackwing Descent HC)
HANDS (Magmaw, Blackwing Descent HC)
Tier 12 de Death Night, Equipo de placamuerte de elementium
DK 12 (set 5 pieces) in red color. You have it with points, and raids 10 or 25 en normal.
Death Knight Tier For All Of Your Needs Guide
SHOULDERS (Majordomo Staghelm, Firelands)
CHEST (points)
LEGS (points, Occu’thar Baradin Hold)
HEAD (Ragnaros, Firelands)
HANDS (points, Occu’thar Baradin Hold)
DK Tier 12 (set 5 pieces) in green model. Raids 10 or 25 Heroics. You need the normal item for have it
LEGS (Shannox, Firelands HC)
HEAD (Ragnaros, Firelands HC)
HANDS (Baleroc, Firelands HC)
CHEST (Alysrazor, Firelands HC)
SHOULDERS (Majordomo Staghelm, Firelands HC)
Death Knight Tier For All Of Your Needs 2
To many people which really they like he is the initial Seth of DK. In patch 4,3 one will put in Bastion of Ebony a salesman sells who it.