The amusement park is nearly 115 years old, and maintains its antique charm, while also catering to more modern-day excitement-loving guests. The wooden roller coaster, Yankee Cannonball, was built in the 1930s and still remains one of the most popular attractions. In Studies 2-3, the more participants valued LAP, the more enjoyment they experienced during calming (vs. Exciting) amusement park rides, both in the United States and Hong Kong. To assess causality, in Study 4, participants were randomly assigned to either a 'value LAP' or control condition and then engaged in either low or high intensity.
amusement park / theme park
At an amusement park, you can go on exciting rides and do a lot of other activities. (Image source)
They can also be called “theme parks,” especially if there is a specific topic – like Disney World. (Image source)
roller coaster
In a roller coaster, you sit in cars that run fast along a track. Sometimes you might go upside-down!(Image source)
carousel / merry-go-round
A carousel (or merry-go-round) is a good ride for small children.
ferris wheel
A ferris wheel slowly rotates and brings you up to the top for a nice view.
bumper cars

You drive “bumper cars” around a limited area and try to hit other cars. (Image source)
A waterslide is filled with water and usually ends in a pool. Sometimes you sit directly on the slide, and sometimes you sit on a tube (round thing filled with air, with a hole in the middle). (Image source)
A clown does funny things to make people laugh. (Image source)
Acrobats do flips (jumping and rotating in the air) and other amazing athletic movements. (Image source)
You might also see people in costumes – dressed like a superhero or famous character. (Image source)
The trapeze or flying trapeze involves swinging on bars in the air. People who do this are called trapeze artists. (Image source)
A magician does tricks – amazing things that appear to be impossible. (Image source)
A lion-tamer uses a whip to help control the animal. (Image source)
Juggling involves throwing multiple things in the air and catching them again. You can juggle with balls, rings, clubs, or even things that are on fire. (Image source)
cotton candy

At night, you can see colorful explosions called fireworks. (Image source)
win a prize
You can also play games of luck or skill to win prizes like toys or stuffed animals. (Image source)
Most Exciting Amusement Park Rides
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