Recording Schedule:
1/20: 1-3 pm ET, Steve, Dr. Sheri & Special Guest Ron Deal
1/25: 1-3 pm ET, Steve, Dr. Sheri & Dr. Daniel Amen
1/26: 1-3 pm ET, Becky, Milan & Dr. Jill
1/27: 1-3 pm ET, Steve, Chris & Special Guest Jacqui Mack-Harris
To ask a question on the show, call 800-229-3000
Click here for past shows.
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Watch New Life Live! on our YouTube channel. Click here to watch now! New shows each weekday at 10am PT.

Check out the New York State of Health by visiting Developed by Roswell Park Cessation Services at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center Elm & Carlton Streets Buffalo, NY 1-866-NY-QUITS (1-866-697-8487) Call hours: Mon-Thurs 9AM-9PM, Fri-Sun 9AM-5PM. 1/27: 1-3 pm ET, Steve, Chris & Special Guest Jacqui Mack-Harris. To ask a question on the show, call 800-229-3000. Watch New Life Live! On our YouTube channel. Don't miss a Formula 1 moment – with the latest news, videos, standings and results. Go behind the scenes and get analysis straight from the paddock.
“I was convicted by Ephesians 4:31 to “get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior” towards my husband. The tools provided here give me such hope that the Lord will accomplish this character change in me.”
New York Tour

“I came into this workshop with little to no hope of recovery. I felt exhausted at my failed attempts to escape from pornography and masturbation. I leave feeling hope that true healing comes from intimacy with God, self, and others. I am leaving with a plan which will bring me to victory.”
“I was amazed how much validation I got through this weekend from the other ladies experiences and emotions being so similar to my own.”
“I would go to this workshop every year if I could. Every man should attend this workshop even if they don’t struggle with sexual addiction.”
“I feel more empowered than I have over the past 10 years in my marriage. The main sessions as well as the breakout groups helped me to see the crazy cycle of lies and betrayal that I have put up with. I hope to attend the Intimacy in Marriage workshop with my husband this summer as well!”
“I wish I would have attended this program years ago. If we would’ve attended years ago, we would have had a healthy marriage before the storm we lived in for years. Words cannot express the gratitude I feel for this weekend.”
News 24 Live
“This was a powerful workshop. It brings new perspective to the causes and triggers for sexual addiction. During this workshop, I was able to learn to forgive my dad for his attempted suicide when I was 15 years old that changed my life from that point forward. I was also able to forgive my mother for her years and years of prescription drug addiction that led to her early death. I now need to ask forgiveness from my wife for all the pain and grief my addiction and behaviors have caused her. Thank you New Life!” Vote
“They helped me fully mend that torn portion of my heart.”
New Jordan
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