- Unlock All Plutonium Mw3
- Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Cheats, Codes, Cheat ...
- Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - V1.5.388 +13 Trainer
- Unlock All Mw3 Pc
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Multiplayer. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. CoD MW3 Unlock FEATURES: Lobbyhack; Namefaker; Title Editor; Clantag; Modiy Stats; Unlock All; Double XP; Double Weapon XP; Set Prestige; Set Level; USAGE: Run Game wait until MainMenu is loaded; Run cheat, choose Options and enjoy.
Unlock All Plutonium Mw3
ReleaseVelonia Source
Source Code to Velonia Non-Host for MW2, MW3 and Ghosts on Xbox 360.RequirementsVisual Studio 2010 UltimateMicrosoft XBOX SDK ( full installation )**Note**: vs 2010 is only required for the SDK, if you are using a higher VS version, you willneed to install C++ Dependencies.Supported...- Thread
- ghostsmw2mw3source
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Call of Duty Classics
ReleaseMW3 Mod Menu ESP/Misc/Wallhack Only TeknoGods | 01/10/2020
Hello Guys,Today, I present to you a small mod menuIt works on TeknoGods test this even plays 01/10/2020I could not test on steam because I took a big ban a few years ago and I did not want to buy the game.It's not my program ! Just a sharing. Good GameCredit: MPGH- Thread
- mw3
- Replies: 7
- Forum: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Mods
ReleaseCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Velonia TU24/TU9 Off-Host Menu +Download
Hey CC, It's been a while!Today I'm dropping a beta version of something I have been working on and off for over a year now.Velonia is a TU24/TU9 off-host menu which is free to use.Now, I don't expect this to be the next best thing, but I have spent a long time making this - so hopefully...- Thread
- call of dutymod menumoddingmodern warfare 3mw3off hosttu24tu9
- Replies: 3
- Forum: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Hacks and Cheats
ReleaseCall of Duty: Infinity Ward Games IWCC ~ Shader Utility +Download
Hello fellow CabCon MembersI officially quitted Modding 7 Months ago, this doesnt mean, I do not do stuff anymore, it just means i stepped back from almost everything.I've had this laying around for a while. It used to be that 'Movie Configuration'-Project, I've coded a while back. Due to...- Thread
- call of dutycod mw2cod mw3mw2mw3
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Call of Duty Classics
PreviewCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 GSC Mod Menus Previews
Hello guys :handwaving:,I hope you are doing great! :smile: Here you can find an quick overview of GSC Mod Menus for MW3. Created with the Infinity Loader.Check out the official website of Infinity Loader: http://infinityloader.com/- Thread
- call of dutycall of duty mw3gscgsc modding mw3infinity loadermod menumodern warfare 3mw3mw3 gsc
- Replies: 11
- Forum: Infinity Loader
The Definitive Guide To Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Hacks, Mods and Cheats In 2019
This is the ultimate guide to MW3 Hacks, Mod Menus and Cheats in 2019.Here you can find an overview of all availableHacksTrainersModsCheatsWhich hack we recommend and how hacking in 2019 in Call of Duty: MW3 works.So if you’re looking to up your Hacking game this year, you’ll love...- Thread
- call of dutycall of duty: modern warfare 3 hacksmw3mw3 chetmw3 hacksmw3 modsmw3 trainers
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Mods and Scripts
All In One By Sinful MW3 GSC
This menu ive been working on for awhile just wanna know your opinions?CreditsMe - DeveloperAgreedbog381/SyGnUs Creators of Infinity LoaderExtinct for help with the base/and some codesNotEmoji for Helping Test/codes- Thread
- gscinfinity loadermodern warefare 3mw3mw3 gsc
- Replies: 3
- Forum: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Mods
PreviewCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 GSC Mod Menu Project Nexus by NotEmoji
Project Nexus By NotEmojiHello today i wanted to show some pics of my GSC menu for MW3it is being made in Infinity LoaderIm just posting this to see what people think the menu wont be released tellinfinity loader is fully releasedmenu options in picture will change they are just...- Thread
- call of dutygscmw3
- Replies: 11
- Forum: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Mods
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RequestCall of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Unlock All PC Steam
Hello,Im looking for an unlock all client. Willing to pay for it.Mw3 - Steam version.Thanks- Thread
- modern warfare 3mw3unlock all
- Replies: 9
- Forum: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Mods and Scripts
ServiceMW3 Modded lobbies on PC
Hello.I can host the following for you.If i am not posting this in the correct location, please let me know!MW3:Fun lobbies/trolling.Unlock all recovery serviceand deranking (for someone you do not like:smile:)ADD: Steam Community :: This, is a bucketor: maxwellray#0659MW2:Fun...- Thread
- lobbiesmoddedmodsmw3serviceunlock all
- Replies: 5
- Forum: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Hacks and Cheats
- Thread
- codmenusmw3rtmtoolsyoda
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Hacks Questions
OutdatedCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Steam PC Mod Menu Generations by AssumingAgate +Download
PreviewFeaturesSelf ModsAimbotMessagesTeleportInfectionsWeaponsProjectilesSpawnablesTrickshot StuffGametypesAccountLobbyBotsWeaponDef EditingVisionsThemesPlayers and all playersCreditsAssumingAgateDownloadThis menu is currently outdated and won't work. You can find...- Thread
- mod menumodern warfare 2modern warfare 2 mod menumw3
- Replies: 13
- Forum: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Mods
OutdatedCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Steam PC Mod Menu Generations by AssumingAgate +Download
UpdateVersion 2.0 Click hereUpdate 2.1 Release - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Steam PC Mod Menu Generations 1.9.388110 + DownloadPreviewFeaturesGod ModeUnlimited AmmoNoclipSpeed 2xNo SpreadSave/Load PositionSuper JumpXP LobbyUnlimited GameGive/Take MenuAll Player MenuTheme...- Thread
- mw3mw3 mod menumw3 steammw3 steam mod menu
- Replies: 57
- Forum: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Mods
ReleaseCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Infinity Loader
PreviewFAQWhich games are supported?MW3, Ghosts, AW, IW, and WW2.Which systems are supported?PC, XBOX,and PS3.How big can the menu be?You can inject up to an average of 800+kb mod menus.Does it support Teknogods?Yes, view image.Release ETA?AgreedBog381 (28.01.18)...- Thread
- aw gsccall of dutyghosts gscgsc moddingiw gscmw3mw3 gscww2 gsc
- Replies: 145
- Forum: Infinity Loader
PreviewCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 GSC Mod Menu - First Preview
Hello guys :hi:,today I'm really proud to present the first preview a GSC mod menu running with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3! The injector and compiler is called Infinity Loader and currently under development by AgreedBog381 and another guy. :DRelease ETAAgreedBog381 (28.01.18)...- Thread
- call of dutycall of duty: modern warfare 3call of duty: modern warfare 3 gsccod mw3gscgsc moddingmw3mw3 gsc
- Replies: 43
- Forum: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Mods
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QuestionSPRX Help Plez XD Rawr KKK
so basically im making a sprxBut i cant find the right dimensions for meX/Y/Width/Heightim trying to find the dimensions to make my menu look like yet another engine V1 or something like that but for MW3if anyone can help then thanks i guessokie bye- Thread
- codcodinghelpmw3ps3sprx
- Replies: 11
- Forum: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
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RequestMW3 SP/Spec Ops Aimbot Wallhack
Is anybody capable to make injectable or trainer with Aimbot wallhack to Singleplayer and Spec ops? There was one by Lovroman bat he/she got banned from MPGH...- Thread
- aimbotmw3singleplayerspecialopswallhack
- Replies: 3
- Forum: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Hacks Questions
Alaska17 GUI Update :P
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- mw3
- Replies: 5
- Forum: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Hacks and Cheats
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QuestionDoes anybody do Free Unlock All Service for Bo1 and MW3?
Hay GuysDoes Anyone Do free modding on PS3 MW3 and Bo1 looking for someone to Rank me Max prestige for Free heres my PSN if you can and Friend mePSN: Zz_CumGetSome_zZ- Thread
- b01black ops 1freemodern warefare 3mw3
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Questions
Release[TeknoMW3] Entity Release
Hello CCM :kissingheart:I know i've been absent for a while, just being lazy/enjoying actually not 1337 haxing games.Anyway, here's my long overdue menu for tkenomw3Works with version TecknoMW3 Game Version 1.4:382VIDEO:PIC:THESE MUST BE YOUR CONTROLS FR THE MENU TO WORK...- Thread
- mw3mw3 aimbotmw3 espmw3 multihackmw3 teknogods
- Replies: 164
- Forum: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Hacks and Cheats
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Cheats, Codes, Cheat ...

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - V1.5.388 +13 Trainer

Unlock All Mw3 Pc
All as the Score, Level and More are in Little Endian. The Little Endian is as the Big Endian (Used in IDA when you decompiled an ELF / XEX ) but all bytes are reversed. If you have this in Big Endian: 0x00020a44 (133700), in Little Endian it's: 0x440a0200. The prestige in COD is a Byte. Exemple the prestige 10 is 0x0A, the Prestige 20 is. EffectsMods - MW3 Unlock All, Mod Menu - (OPEN) Lobby Users browsing this topic: None Jump to: Select a forum Off-Topic Discussion Introductions & Milestones Digital Marketplace Sports Forum Media Forum Vehicle Discussion Gaming Discussion Call of Duty Forum FIFA Forum Grand Theft Auto Forum PlayStation Forum Xbox Forum PC General Forum PC.