Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spread the cresent rolls out on cookie sheets to make large rectangles. Cook for 10 minutes or until golden brown and then cool. Add the vegetables to the pan first that cook the longest and then add in the shorter cooking vegetables at the appropriate remaining cook time. To roast these ranch roasted vegetables, I created a simple mixture of olive oil and a package of dry Hidden Valley Ranch dressing mix. The Moapa vegetable publication written by Dr. Sylvan Wittwer has information for cultivating vegetables for all of the different elevations found in the Las Vegas Valley. Valley Fruits & Veggies. FALL FEST - Join us for pumpkins, hay ride, corn maze, children's play, food, vendors and more!! Late May to mid June - Pick-Your-Own strawberries, hay ride.

Vegetable Valley 3
Vegetable Valley