Save your WAD as gamename.wad Example: MarioAllStarsSNES.wad; OK! Now you injected your game as Wii Virtual Console game, ready to install and use! INSTALLING YOUR INJECTED WAD: Remember, you must have installed any brick protection such as BootMii as boot2, or Priiloader BEFORE INSTALLING ANY WAD!!!!!
- This patched file can now be installed to your Wii using a wad manager. Move the patched wad onto your SD card. Delete the original wad from the wwPacker folder, as well as the loader.bin you pasted there earlier (this last step is simply to reset the folder to set up for a new wad to patch, but you will find that many wads all use the same loader.
- Hey, thanks for this post, man. Unfortunately, both MegaUpload and Rapidshare are down. Could you or anyone else who has these WADs upload them to a site like Thanks! I'm looking for Virtual Console WADs particularly for PAL. I port codes and would need the WADs for making RAM dumps in Dolphin.
- Nintendo Wii - Scrubbed Retail Collection (NTSC) hosted on Google Drive; WiiWare and Virtual Console WADs also hosted. Wiiware Collection Pal. Wiiware Collection Pal.
- Animal Crossing: New Horizons: January Fish And Bugs - Ca. Mon 4th Jan 2021.
- This article is about Wii software packaging. For the data files used by Doom, see WiiDoom.
- 1General info
- 3WAD format
General info
The WAD file-format is a package that contains title information for the Wii, such as System Menus, IOS versions, and channels.
Unfortunately, WAD files are often used to distribute pirated channels (both Virtual Console and WiiWare), due to the fact that they are also used by Nintendo and therefore easy to rip from the Wii and, for some WAD files, Nintendo's servers, and easy to create installers for. Wiibrew does not in any way endorse piracy, and as such these uses of WAD files should not be discussed.
If you wish to discuss legitimate WAD files, please ensure you make clear which file you are talking about and what you will use it for, to prevent people jumping to conclusions about your intentions.
System Menu
WAD files are often installed in the Wii System Menu to appear as channels, making launching easier. If a WiiBrew app isn't installed as a channel, it can usually only be launched from the Homebrew Channel itself. WAD file creation seems to be an intricate process and tools are difficult to locate, and most are based on the .NET framework. Associated with WAD file generation are forwarders, which when loaded simply load another arbitrary application. A common technique is to use a somewhat generalized WAD that can be easily customized to then forward to another WiiBrew application stored on the SD card.
Wii System Channel WAD files exist for WiiMC, ftpii, and numerous others.
Forwarders are somewhat easier to locate, a common one being the Narolez-NForwarder, for which source exists and is easily modifiable. One WAD generation system that still appears to be active is the CRAP system that appears to be .NET based. The Wadder system also seemed to be .NET based but it appears abandoned. Although these tools are often associated with piracy, there are clearly legitimate uses for them as well.
The WAD files themselves contain either still images or a collection of images to be animated, as well as sound data. In addition there is a .DOL file for the program to be run when launched.
WAD format
Installable WADs
Common format used for WAD files distributed in update partitions from Wii discs. Thanks to Segher for his source.
Start | End | Length | Description |
0x00 | 0x03 | 0x04 | Header size. Always set to 0x20. |
0x04 | 0x05 | 0x02 | WAD Type. 'ib' is used for boot2 WADs, 'Is' for everything else. |
0x06 | 0x07 | 0x02 | WAD Version. Always set to zero. |
0x08 | 0x0B | 0x04 | Certificate chain size. |
0x0C | 0x0F | 0x04 | Reserved. Always set to zero. |
0x10 | 0x13 | 0x04 | Ticket size. |
0x14 | 0x17 | 0x04 | TMD size. |
0x18 | 0x1B | 0x04 | Encrypted content data size. |
0x1C | 0x1F | 0x04 | Footer size. |
0x20 | 0x3F | 0x20 | Alignment to 0x40 bytes (padding). |
Sections are stored in installable WAD files in the same order from their headers (certificate chain, ticket, TMD, content data). Each section is aligned to a 0x40-byte boundary.
The encrypted content data section is composed of content files, which are stored following the same order from the TMD content records. These are encrypted using the decrypted titlekey from the Ticket and the content index as the IV (first two bytes, followed by 14 zeroes). The SHA-1 checksum of the decrypted content must match the hash from its corresponding TMD content record. Each content is individually aligned to a 0x40-byte boundary.
The footer is an optional, unencrypted timestamp / buildstamp. It's usually the first decrypted 0x40 bytes from the first content file.
In a hex editor, the beginning of any installable WAD will be 00 00 00 20 49 73 00 00
. This can be useful to extract an embedded installable WAD from an ELF binary.
Virtual Console Wads
Backup WADs
Format used by content.bin files to store content data from a channel copied or transferred to the SD card, which get saved to /private/wii/title/<low_tid_ascii>/content.bin
Also used by downloadable content data stored in the SD card, which gets saved to /private/wii/data/<low_tid_ascii>/<index>.bin
- in this context, <index>
represents a specific content index value from a TMD content record, expressed as a 3-digit number in base 10 notation (e.g. 000.bin
Savegames use the same exact header, albeit with different fields filled and with an entirely different structure for the rest of the file.
Start | End | Length | Description |
0x00 | 0x03 | 0x04 | Header size. Always set to 0x70. |
0x04 | 0x05 | 0x02 | WAD Type. Always set to 'Bk'. |
0x06 | 0x07 | 0x02 | WAD Version. Always set to 0x01. |
0x08 | 0x0B | 0x04 | Console ID. |
0x0C | 0x0F | 0x04 | Savegame file count. Always set to zero (only used in savegames). |
0x10 | 0x13 | 0x04 | Savegame file data size. Always set to zero (only used in savegames). |
0x14 | 0x17 | 0x04 | TMD size. |
0x18 | 0x1B | 0x04 | Encrypted content data size. |
0x1C | 0x1F | 0x04 | Backup area size (total size from the start of this header to the end of the encrypted content data). |
0x20 | 0x5F | 0x40 | Included contents bitfield. |
0x60 | 0x67 | 0x08 | Title ID. Set to zero in backup WADs from content.bin files, set to parent title ID in DLCs (not the DLC title ID) and set to game title ID in savegames. |
0x68 | 0x6D | 0x06 | MAC address. Always set to zero (only used in savegames). |
0x6E | 0x6F | 0x02 | Reserved. Always set to zero. |
0x70 | 0x7F | 0x10 | Alignment to 0x40 bytes (padding). |
Sections are stored in backup WAD files in the same order from their headers (TMD, content data). Each section is aligned to a 0x40-byte boundary.
The included contents bitfield serves to determine which contents from the TMD are part of the backup WAD. Up to 512 different contents (bits) can be toggled, separated in groups of 8 contents (byte), where the LSB represents the first content from the group and the MSB represents the last content. Shared contents are usually not included. For example, the bitfield for a backup WAD that holds a TMD with 10 content records, where indexes 4 and 8 are both shared contents, would be EF 02
(11101111 00000010
), followed by 62 zeroes.
The encrypted content data section is composed of content files, which are stored following the same order from the TMD content records. These are encrypted using the console-specific PRNG key and the content index as the IV (first two bytes, followed by 14 zeroes). The SHA-1 checksum of the decrypted content must match the hash from its corresponding TMD content record. Each content is individually aligned to a 0x40-byte boundary.
In a hex editor, the beginning of any backup WAD will be 00 00 00 70 42 6B 00 01
. This can be useful to extract an embedded backup WAD from a bigger file (such as content.bin files).
Please note that, unlike content.bin
files from channels, each <index>.bin
file from transferred DLCs only holds a single encrypted content. This also means that a single bit from the entire included contents bitfield is enabled.
- VC Wads Page history last edited by Jogait 6 years, 8 months ago. To see Virtual Console reviews visit vc-reviews.
- The main purpouse of Wii WAD files is to install custom made channels and cIOS, but they are also considered to be an equivalent of the ROM and ISO files majority of which are warez. Wii Homebrew Browser or WAD Manager can be used for an easy installation of WiiWare roms and Virtual Console roms that can be downloaded from torrents without.
Virtual Console Games. Experience some of the top titles from the NES™, Super NES™ and Game Boy™ Advance eras through the Virtual Console service. WiiWare is a companion to the Virtual Console, which specializes in emulated games originally developed for other systems instead of original titles. WiiWare Compatibility List This is the main list of games released on WiiWare for the Wii video game system, organized alphabetically by their localized English titles or, when Japan-exclusive.
Snes Virtual Console
DLC Arkanoid PIus DLC.wád - DLC Bobby Carrót Forever DLC.wád - DLC Bubble BobbIe In addition! (DLC).wad - DLC Bust-A-Move Plus!

Virtual Console Wads Download
WiiWare The standard WiiWare logo design Developer Nintendo System, Type Online market Release day(beds) Mar 25, 2008 Might 12, 2008 / Might 20, 2008 Internet site WiiWare will be a services that enables users to download games and programs specifically designed and developed for the Wii video sport console made by Nintendo. These games and programs can just be purchased and down loaded from the Wii Store Station under the WiiWare section. /idm-crack-full-version-download.html. Once the user has downloaded the sport or application, it will appear in their Wii Menus or SD Credit card Menu as a fresh. WiiWare is definitely a partner to the, which is an expert in emulated video games originally developed for other systems rather of authentic titles. WiiWare Compatibility Listing This is usually the primary checklist of games released on WiiWare fór the Wii video game program, arranged alphabetically by their localised English game titles or, when Jápan-exclusive, their rōmaji transliterations. Assist full the list!.
Click on the icon to the perfect of the ranking stars and place simply a number 1 through 5 into the page. Make use of the compatibility guide below as a benchmark of what rating to make use of. When updating a rating, please create sure it'h in compliance with the checklist of difficulties in the title's web page. Compatibility Description Great: No issues at all! Playable: Runs well, just minor graphical or audio glitches. Games can end up being performed all the method through Starts: Starts, maybe even plays nicely, but crashes or main visual/audio glitches Intro/Menu: Hangs/crashes someplace between booting and beginning Damaged: Failures when booting Unfamiliar: Has not been tested however Region signal Region description.
Wii WADs - Allowed to the house óf Wii WADs - WiiWAD.cóm Download and set up Nintendo Wii Stations making use of Wii WADs. Roms, Virtual System ánd WiiWARE in Wii WADs Torrent before installing Wii Homébrew Apps ánd WAD files you require to » Nintendo Wii WAD data files are usually like a zero or cab file on Computer that contain a complete collection of documents for setting up (software, program, game). The main purpouse of Wii WAD documents will be to set up custom produced stations and cIOS, but they are also regarded to end up being an equivalent of the ROM and ISO files bulk of which are usually warez.