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- Call 9-1-1 if the person is unconscious or has trouble breathing. Call Poison Help at 800-222-1222 to connect to your local poison center. Learn more at poisonhelp.hrsa.gov/.
Help@Hand is a California multi-city and county Collaboration created to determine if and how technology fits within the behavioral health system of care.
Learn more about the innovation project through the information available in the updates section below.
Help@Hand is a multi-city, multi-county and multi-partner collaboration created to help improve the wellbeing of Californians by designing digital mental health solutions for the behavioral health care system.
Fourteen participating communities in 12 counties and two cities are involved with Help@Hand. Together, these communities make up nearly half of California’s population.
Han Update Ps3
The Help@Hand Innovation Project, through CalMHSA, is seeking information from qualified vendors to design and develop a comprehensive web-based mental health assessment tool. Please visit here for additional information.
Han Updated
Some days before Microsoft released Windows 10 to the general public. It announced that users won’t be able to opt-out of automatic updates anymore. Well at least users of Windows 10 Pro will be able to delay (not disable) the updates. Unexpectedly, a lot of people started to complain about it.
I do not think Microsoft has taken a bad step in not giving the users a choice to opt-out of automatic updates. Updates are never bad really. They bring improvements, stability and new functionalities. On the other hand, updates can be troublesome for those with a limited bandwidth and internet speed.
Well fortunately, I found out that Microsoft still offers the opt-out option for Windows 10 Pro users in a more tricky way. So if you are running Windows 10 Home I do not think this guide will help you because I believe you don’t have the Group Policy Editor. I can be wrong though, let me know in the comments. Sorry 🙁
Ok Windows 10 Pro users, ready? Tag along!
Hand Surgery Updates
1. Search and open gpedit.msc
2. Expand Computer Configurationsand navigate to Administrative Templates>Windows Components>Windows Updatethen open Configure Automatic Updates
3. Change the setting configuration from Not Configured to Enabled
4. In the options view select option number 2 which is Notify for download and notify for install

5. Apply the new configuration and restart your computer.
You should now see a toast notification message appear whenever new updates are available requesting you to update. If ever you choose to install the updates, simply select the message and click or tap on the download button in Windows Update setting.