- Math 10 Foundations & Precalculusmrs. N. Gillingham
- Math 10 Foundations & Precalculusmrs. N. Gilliland
- Math 10 Foundations & Precalculusmrs. N. Gilley
- Foundations and Pre-calculus Mathematics 10 Foundations and Pre-Calculus of Math 10 prepares students to solve problems, communicate and reason mathematically, make connections between mathematics and its applications, become mathematically literate, appreciate and value mathematics, and make informed decisions as contributors to society.
- Math 10 Foundations & Pre-Calculus - Mrs. Gill 52 / Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-calculus (Grade 10) WNCP Common Curriculum Framework for Grades 10–12 Mathematics January 2008 Relations and Functions General Outcome: Develop algebraic and graphical reasoning through the study of relations. Specific Outcomes FOUNDATIONS OF MATHEMATICS.

Math 11 Foundations is an academic course that prepares students for Math 12 Foundations. Students need to be prepared to work hard and complete all assigned work to have success in this class. Math 11 includes topics such as: Reasoning, Angles and Triangles, Trigonometry, Statistics, Linear Inequalities, and Quadratic Equations. Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-Calculus 10 This course combines the Foundations and the Pre-Calculus pathways and is a pre-requisite for both Foundations of Mathematics 20 and Pre-Calculus 20 Mathematics. Mathematics 10 Foundations and Pre-Calculus is a continued attempt to build the foundation that is the required to support the journey that is Mathematics. This isn't easy or hard, it is a puzzle and a challenge. Everything is challenging until we figure it out. Don't quit, push yourself, and make mistakes. That is when we learn!!
Your Marks are posted on MyEdBC (if you have lost your password, email jbrown@sd43.bc.ca): https://www.myeducation.gov.bc.ca/aspen/logon.do
Math 11 Foundations is an academic course that prepares students for Math 12 Foundations. Students need to be prepared to work hard and complete all assigned work to have success in this class. Math 11 includes topics such as: Reasoning, Angles and Triangles, Trigonometry, Statistics, Linear Inequalities, and Quadratic Equations. Extra help from Mrs. Della is available before school and at lunch in room 215.
NOTE: A listing of the homework assignments for the semester can be found below the “useful links” and “project” information.
Some useful links:
- ONLINE VIDEO LESSONS: http://studymatrix.net/
- Online Textbook: http://www.nelson.com/ned/#cmd/school_otr – enter text title or ISBN, then click on text, enter PRT code from front cover of text, create account.
- Algebra Help: http://www.themathpage.com/alg/algebra.htm
- Solving for X Lessons and Practice: http://www.coolmath.com/algebra/06-solving-equations/index.html
- Playing with Bearings (compass directions): http://www.flashymaths.co.uk/swf/bearings.swf
- Extra Help: http://www.khanacademy.org/ (or you can come see Mrs. Della in room 215, of course. 🙂 )
- More Help: https://www.sd43.bc.ca/RESOURCES/PARENTRESOURCES/MATH/10/Pages/default.aspx – an excellent resource of podcasts designed specifically for Math 10 Foundations, but some of the lessons will likely be useful to you too.
- Math 11 (&12) Curriculum Document: http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/irp/pdfs/mathematics/WNCPmath1012/2008math_foundations1112.pdf
- Possible topics: anything of interest to you, that you can ask good questions about!
- The criteria/outline: FoM 11 Project Criteria
- The rubric/marking guide: Math 11 Project Rubric
Math 10 Foundations & Precalculusmrs. N. Gillingham
Homework Assignments for the Semester:
Unit 1 (Ch 2): Properties of Angles and Triangles
Ch 2 Notes key Della
Date | Lesson | Practice Assignments |
- Intro stuff, Solve for X
- Course outline: Foundations 11 Course Outline
- 2.1 & 2.2 Exploring Parallel Lines
- Hand out texts – also online
| - p. 72 # 2, 3 & 5, pg 79 #3,4
- 2.2 Angles Formed by Parallel Lines
- Do pg 78 #1&2 together
| - p. 79 # 6, 8, 12, 13, 15, 16, optional 19
| |
- 2.3 Angles Properties in Triangles
| - p. 91 # 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 15 & 17
- Quiz /6 (on one note)
- 2.4 Angle Properties in Polygons
| - p. 99 # 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 18
| - p. 104 # 1 – 6
- p. 106 # 1 – 8, 10, 11 (Challenge #9)
- Review Day – go over Qs
- Discuss projects
- Study by redoing questions
Chapter 2 Unit Test /24 |
Unit 2 (Ch 3): Acute Triangle Trigonometry
Ch 3 Notes key Della
Date | Lesson | Practice Assignments |
- Measure the height of the flag pole (non-rainy day)
- 3.1 Acute Angle Triangles
- 3.1 Acute Angle Triangles
- 3.2 Sine Law
| - p. 117 #1, 2, 4
- p. 125 #3-6, 8, 11
- Checkpoint & Quiz if time
| |
- Programming Presentation: Students go to the assigned room at the beginning of the period. Counsellors will take attendance:
114/115 (Gagnes A-Fe) 123/124 (Young Fi-L) 208/209 (Luddu M-S) 218/219 (Johal S-Z)
- Quiz /8 (Sine Law)
- 3.3 Proving & Applying the Cosine Law
| |
- 3.4 (1) Solving Problems Using Acute Triangles
| |
- Quiz /5 (Sine & Cosine Laws)
- 3.4 (2) Solving Problems Using Acute Triangles
| |
| - p. 152 # 1- 6
- p. 154 # 1-3, 7 – 11
- Review Day
- Podrace: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3NRzGrt5z0
- Podrace worksheet: Worksheet
| - Choose topic for project by now
- Project
- Read pg 156-157;
- Create research question AND a hypothesis (your guess as to what the answer will be)
- Assess your question by doing the checklist on page 156 #1-4 and writing out your analysis of your question.
- Hand in question and hypothesis by end of class
- If you have extra time, you can begin working on the questions or data collection from online.
Chapter 3 Unit Test /23 |
Math 10 Foundations & Precalculusmrs. N. Gilliland
Unit 3 (Ch 4): Oblique Triangle Trigonometry
Ch 4 Notes key Della
Date | Lesson | Practice Assignments |
- 4.1 Trig Ratios of Obtuse Angles
| |
_____ | - 4.2 (1) Sine & Cosine Law for Obtuse Angles
- Cockpit Math presentation with David Black
- http://www.airtimecanada.org
- Sponsored by Canadian Owners & Pilot’s Association
| - p. 171 # (4,5)ac, 6, 8, 13 & 17
- 4.2 (2) Sine & Cosine Law for Obtuse Angles
| |
- Checkpoint
- Partner Quiz /6
| - p. 175 # 1, 3, 4, 5, 6a, 8 & 9
- Another Partner Quiz?
- 4.3 (1) Sine Law Ambiguous Case
- Animation of Ambiguous Case: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/4bfrcqpe7c
- YouTube Lesson: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpEt5p_D5AA
| |
- 4.3 (2) Sine Law Ambiguous Case
| |
- 4.4 Solving Problems using Obtuse Triangles
| |
- Review Day
- Will allow use of “reference sheet” on test – with the possible ambiguous cases itemized
| - Trigonometry Review (WB pg 13, 14)
- p. 198 # 1abc, 2ace, 3, (challenge 5)
- p. 200 # 2bd, , 3b, 5, 6a, 8
Project:- Turn to pg 202 – Choosing sources for your data collection
- Decide primary or both (primary and secondary), make survey and/or plan how to find data, and hand in rough ideas by _Monday, Apr 8___
- NOTE THAT at least one of your questions MUST be numerical (like percentages from a test, or ranges of values 0-10, 11-20, 21-30, etc)
- Get 50 responses by _Tues, Apr 23___
- Review Day – Review Package (same format to test)
Chapter 4 Unit Test /31 |

Unit 4 (Ch 5): Statistical Reasoning
Ch 5 Sec 1-4 Notes key Della
Ch 5 Sec 5 Notes key
Math 10 Foundations & Precalculusmrs. N. Gilley
Date | Lesson | Practice Assignments |
- 5.1 Exploring Data
- 5.2 Frequency Tables, Histograms & Freq Polygons
| |
- 5.1 Exploring Data
- 5.2 Frequency Tables, Histograms & Freq Polygons
| |
| |
- Worksheet (Practice Quiz)
| |
- Go over questions from worksheet
- Quiz /18
- Remaining time to finish and post surveys for project – need data in a week and a half!!
- NOTE THAT at least one of your questions MUST be numerical (like percentages from a test, or ranges of values 0-10, 11-20, 21-30, etc)
- 5.4 The Normal Distribution
| |
- 5.4 continued
- Start Z-scores?
| |
| - P. 264 # 5ac, 6ac, 7a, 8a, 9, 10
| - P. 264 #11, 13, 16, 19, 21
| |
| - p. 280 # 2,4,6,7,9,10 (Ch Rev)
- Ch 5 Stats Practice Test – do with partner if you like
- Project Day – analyze data using stats from Ch 5
- Look through and find a problem with similar data to your’s and use that as your example of how to find mean, median, mode, standard deviation, normal distribution graph, z-score, confidence level, etc …
Chapter 5 Unit Test /29 |
Unit 5 (Ch 6): Systems of Linear Inequalities
Ch 6 Sec 1-3 Notes key Della
Ch 6 Sec 4-6 Notes key Della
Date | Lesson | Practice Assignments |
- Review and Preview activity
- Play Battleship (new version)
- 6.1 Graphing Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
| - p. 303 #4, 5ace, 6ace, 7, 10 & 12
- 6.2 Exploring Graphs of Systems of Linear Inequal.
| - p. 307 # 1, 2 & Worksheet
- 6.3 Graphing to Solve Systems of Linear Inequalities
| - p. 318 #(4ac, 5i, 5iii)if you need to,
- 6, 8 & 10 – for sure do these, check key for equations before graphing!
| - p. 323 #2-5, 6(set up only) & 7a
- Quiz /9
- 6.4 Optimization: Creating a Model
| |
_____ | - Go over quiz and redo another one (keep better score)
- 6.5 Optimization: Exploring Solutions
| |
| |
- Project day – project due June 10, emailed to tdella@sd43.bc.ca by 11:59 pm
Chapter 6 Unit Test /28 |

Unit 6 (Ch 7): Quadratic Functions and Equations
Date | Lesson | Practice Assignments |
- 7.1 Exploring Quadratic Relations
| |
- 7.2 Properties of Graphs of Quadratic Functions
| - p. 369 # 4, 5, 9, 11, 13, 16
- 7.2 Properties of Graphs of Quadratic Functions
| |
- Quiz /12
- 7.3 Solving Quadratic Equations by Graphing
| - p. 380 # 5ac, 7, 8ac, 9-11, & 13
| |
- 7.4 Factored Form of a Quadratic Function
| - p. 391 # 1, 2, 4ace, 7, 9, 10ace, 11ac, 16 & 18
- Checkpoint
- Quiz /10 (at end of class)
| |
- 7.5 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring
| - p. 398 #9,10, p. 407 # 7, 11, 14
- Check In – Up to now
- 7.6 Vertex Form (part 1)
| - Worksheet (7.1 – 7.5)
- p. 417 # 1ace, 2ace & 4
| |
- 7.7 Using the Quadratic formula
| - Do WS 7.7 notes package (pg 24 and 25)
| - p. 443 # 1, 2, 4ac, 5, 7a, 8ac, 9, 11,13ac
| - Worksheet (similar to test)
- Bonus project:
- Create a pattern using quadratic functions.
- Label each line with its equation, right on the graph.
- Colour it.
- You can use y=x2 , or x=y2 to get sideways graphs.
- See Ms. Della’s examples
Chapter 7 Unit Test /31 | - Continue building rockets once complete test
- Finish rockets
- Final Exam Review
- Ch 2 pg 111 #9-13
- Ch 3-5 pg 287 #1-14
- Ch 6-8 pg 520 #1-11 (and #12-14 after the next unit)
- Launch Rockets? (weather permitting)
| Rocket returning to Earth! |
Unit 7 (Ch 8): Proportional Reasoning
Date | Lesson | Practice Assignments |
- Everyone email me presentations by tonight 11:59pm!! tdella@sd43.bc.ca Presentations start tomorrow.
- 8.1 Comparing & Interpreting Rates
- Final Exam Omit-a-Test Review – If you fully complete this, showing ALL THE WORK, and mark/correct it using the textbook answer key, you may choose a test to omit from the semester. This page is due right before we begin the final exam. (You may do the work right on the page.)
| - p. 459 #4, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14
- Draw names for presentation dates…
- Presentations:
- 8.2 Solving Problems that Involve Rates
| - p. 467 #3, 5, 6, 12, 14, 15 & 18
- Presentations:
- Review (quiz tomorrow)
- Review for Final Exam as well
| - p. 473 #1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9 (mid ch review)
- Quiz /6 (on one note – some Qs from checkpoint)
- Presentations:
- 8.3 Scale Diagrams
| |
- Presentations:
- 8.4 Scale Factors & Areas of 2-D Shapes
| - P. 487 # 4b, 5b, 6, 7, 10, 13
- Presentations:
- 8.5 Similar Objects: Scale Models & Diagrams
| - p. 498 # 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 14 & 18
- Presentations:
- 8.6 Scale Factors & 3-D Objects
| - p. 508 # 1b, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11
Presentations:Review Day for Final Exam
| |
- Presentations:
- Online, choose a building to create a scale drawing of.
- When finished, review for final exam
Small Unit Test /12
| Games/Review for final exam
Choose a test to re-write – review for it, ask questions
Rewrite-a-test day
October Sky – movie (Quadratics) — if time
W June 19 | - Fully completed 8.5×14 Bonus Review is due before starting final exam – write which test you would like to omit by your name on the Bonus Review.
Final Exam |