Coffee Addiction |
Effects of Fertilisers, Manure and Polythene on therate of elongation of the Hypocotyl |
The Effect of Oil Spills on Oceans |
Harmful Effects of Mobile Radiation |
On Recent Diseases - Ebola |
What is the Best Way to Disinfect a Toothbrush |
Erasing and Implanting Human Memory |
Does Price and Vitamin C Affect How Fast Fruits Rot |
Strawberry DNA Extraction |
Sickle Cell Anemia and its Prevention |
How Does Mold Grow |
How Does Microwave Radiation Affect Different Organisms |
What Effect Does Glucose Have on the Longevity of Cut Flowers |
Diffusion VS Food Coloring |
Microwave and Germination of Seeds |
Heart Rate and Video Games |
Yeast Reproduction in Sugar Substitutes |
Angina Pectoris |
Pedigree Analysis |
Urinalysis |
Ozone Depletion |
What Music Does Bacteria Enjoy the Most |
How Does Light Affect Yeast |
How Cigarettes Affect Your Health |
Study on Probiotics and their Preparation |
The Way Blood Works |
Testing the toxicity of Marine Pollutants using Daphnia |
Antibiotics Naturally |
Effect of Cannabis on the Human Body |
Eye Disorders in Children and Adolescents |
Human Cloning: Another You? |
Thigmotropism In Tendrils |
Brush Away You Smile |
Ability of Curry and Cinnamon to Inhibit Bacterial Growth |
Which Cheese Grows Mold The Fastest |
Using Garden Mulch to Make a Bug Zoo |
Turning to Motor Learning |
Eye Can See You |
Can Dog Drool Kill Germs |
Growing Yeast: Sugar Fermentation |
Does Oregano Oil Have an Antibiotic Effect |
Do Different Diets in Ruminant Animals Affect the Microorganism Colony Growth |
The Effect of Alkalines and Acids on Bacterial Growth |
Saving the World One Yard at a Time |
Ethyl Alcohol vs. E. coli |
Effectiveness of Various Spices in Promoting or Inhibiting the Spoilage Rate of Food |
Measuring Human Horsepower |
Does a Mouse Rely More on His Spatial Memory or Vision |
Conserving Agricultural Irrigation Water by Controlling Transpiration Loss via Wind |
Effects of Ocean Water as an Irrigation Supplement on the Growth of Rice Seedlings |
How Does Music Affect Plant Growth |
Factors Affecting Nodule Formations in Legumes |
What Do Plants Need Most |
Compost or Fertilizer |
Effect of Sugar on Bean Plant Growth |
Does the Color of Light Affect Plant Growth |
Is Spinach Made in the Shade |
The Speed of Sprouting Seeds |
Investigating Seed Tolerance for Freezing Temperatures |
Fun with Phosphorus |
Comparing Varying Levels of Oxygen Aeration in Increasing Plant Production |
Salt: Friend or Foe |
Cattails in the Water |
Cloning 101 |
What Angle of Impact Has the Most Effect on Making a Bruise |
Ultraviolet Radiation |
Do Rats Learn Faster with Peer Pressure |
Can You Make the Grade |
Effects of Reading and Working on the Computer on Vision |
Blowing Off Carbon Dioxide |
Are Fingerprints Hereditary |
Effect of the Timing of the Application of Potassium on Antirrbinum |
Determining the Effects of Water Temperature and Exposure Terms on Seed Germination |
Effect of Color on Cherry Trees |
Hydroponics and Aeroponics |
Suck It Up |
Phytoremediation of Zinc |
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Organic Worm Castings |
Is It All Downhill from Here |
Sunless Sunflowers |
Does Greater Leaf Diameter Increase Transpiration Rate of Rose Geranium |
Physiology of Plants in a Simulated Martian Atmosphere |
Death in a Water Bath |
Making of a Potpourri Fertilizer |
Does Beta Carotene Prevent Tumor Growth in Plants |
Growth Rate of Poa pratensis in Pure Humus |
Diabetes and Exercise |
The Power of Rat Senses |
Which Color is Dominant in Mice |
Does Varying Feed Affect the Milk of Lactating Caprines |
Are Mice Territorial |
Bioartificial Engineered Heart Tissue |
Effects on the Flow Rate, as a Representation of Stroke Volume |
Maintaining Correct Balance |
Effects of Diet on Blood Glucose |
Ammonia: The Passed Gas |
Do the Right and Left Ears Hear Notes Differently |
Got Stamina? |
Do You Hear What I Hear |
Blood Pressure |
Nail-Patella Syndrome Phenotype Expression |
Effect of Pupil Dilation on Peripheral Vision |
Now You See It, Now You Don't |
Effect of Exercise on Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate |
Effects of Various Aromas on Animal Behavior |
Effect of Ingested Fluid Temperature on Basal Body Temperature in Humans |
Family Fingerprints |
To Chew or Not to Chew |
Does Blood Pressure Affect Heart Rate |
Retinal Glare Recovery |
Whose Mouth Is Cleaner |
How Fibonacci Is Your Face |
Get a Head Start II |
Doggy Vision |
There's a Germ Out There |
Effects of Different External Factors in Changing the Effectiveness of Various Antibiotics |
Can I Eat That |
Demolishing Dental Bacteria |
Kimchi, Spicy Korean Culture |
Staph Aureus |
Does the Surface Clarity of Plastic Bottles Affect Solar Water Disinfection |
Effects of Temperature on Bacterial Pigmentation |
Do Bacteria Like Gasses |
Study of the Effects of Green Tea on Oral Bacteria |
Mystery Behind Bacteria Levels in Gym Equipment |
Fungus Among Us |
Yeast Past Its Code Date |
Meat That's Raw |
pH Tolerance of Microbes |
Which Ground Beef Has the Least Bacteria |
Do Different Dilutions of Disinfectants Affect the Development of Bacterial Resistance |
Isolation of Staphylococcus aureus from Raw and Pasteurized Milk |
Is Garlic Antibacteria |
How Much Bacteria Is on Your Retainer |
What Is the Best Way to Clean Your Toothbrush |
Study of Bacteria Growth in Varying Acidic Environments |
Which Acne Medications Are Most Effective |
Beleaguered Beef |
Study of the Health Benefits of Spicy Cooking |
What Are the Effects of Ultraviolet Light on Bacteria Mortality |
The Five Second Rule |
Bacteria Affected by Ultra-Violet Light |
Nucleotide and Protein Sequences
- Genbank - Nucleotide sequence database at NCBI
- ENA - European Nucleotide Archive at EMBL-EBI
- DDBJ - DNA Data Bank of Japan
- Protein database at NCBI
- UniProt - a resource of protein sequence and functional information
Genome Downloads
Genome Browsers
- Synthetic Biology Tools - links to online tools that are related to Synthetic Biology. Gene and protein analysis programs and databases GMOD - a collection of open source software tools for managing, visualising, storing, and disseminating genetic and genomic data.
- Find the help you need with your biology homework! Access answers to several hundred biology questions, carefully explained and easy for you to understand.
CAPE Biology Unit 2 Useful Links Your opinion please! Science in the News Field Trips Documents. This is where you will find notes, scheme of work and syllabus. A website mainly aimed at students studying A-Level Biology - covers genetics, cells, biochemistry, enzymes, ecology, environment, photosynthesis, respiration, heart.
- Genome Data Viewer (NCBI)
Gene Databases
- Gene - a gene database at NCBI
- UniGene - a transcript database at NCBI
- SOURCE - a gene database
- GeneAtlas - a gene database
- GeneCards - human gene database
- OMIM - An Online Catalog of Human Genes and Genetic Disorders
- AmiGo - a gene ontology database
- HGNC - HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee
- GENCODE - human and mouse gene annotation database
- Harmonizome - integrated knowledge about genes and proteins
Gene Mutations and Variations
- dbSNP - a database of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and small-scale insertions/deletions, microsatellites, and non-polymorphic variants
- ClinVar - an archive of reports of the relationships among human variations and phenotypes
- MutDB - a database for assessing the impact of genetic variants
- HGMD - The Human Gene Mutation Database
- GWAS Central - a centralized compilation of summary level findings from genetic association studies
- DGV - a curated catalogue of human genomic structural variation
Useful Links Cape Biology Syllabus
Gene Expression
- Expression Atlas - gene and protein expression across species and biological conditions
- GEO - Gene Expression Omnibus
- ArrayExpress - data from high-throughput functional genomics experiments
- GTEx - The Genotype-Tissue Expression Project
- Bgee - gene expression patterns in multiple animal species
- OmicsDI - The Omics Discovery Index (OmicsDI) provides a knowledge discovery framework across heterogeneous omics data (genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics and metabolomics).
- VizHub - Roadmap Epigenomics Visualization Hub
- DeepBlue - Epigenomic Data Server
- PubMeth - annotated and reviewed database of methylation in cancer
Gene Regulatory Elements
- EPD - Eukaryotic Promoter Database
- JASPAR - transcription factor binding profile database
- ENCODE - Encyclopedia of DNA Elements
- TRRUST - a manually curated database of human transcriptional regulatory network
- Cistrome - integrative analysis pipelines to better mine the hidden biological insights from publicly available high throughput data
- ChIP-Atlas - integrative and comprehensive database for visualizing and making use of public ChIP-seq data
- GTRD - Gene Transcription Regulation Database
- ChIPBase - a database for studying the transcription factor binding sites and motifs, and decoding the transcriptional regulatory networks of lncRNAs, miRNAs, other ncRNAs and protein-coding genes from ChIP-seq data
Non-Coding RNA Databases and Tools

- miRBase - a searchable database of published miRNA sequences and annotation
- miRTarBase - the experimentally validated microRNA-target interactions database
- miRDB - online database for miRNA target prediction and functional annotations
- TargetScan - prediction of microRNA targets
- RNA22 - microRNA target detection
- DIANA Tools - databases of experimentally verified miRNA targets and prediction tools
- NONCODE - An integrated knowledge database dedicated to ncRNAs, especially lncRNAs
Protein Function and Regulation
- BRENDA - the comprehensive enzyme information system
- MetaCyc - Metabolic Encyclopedia (enzymes, metabolites and metabolic pathways)
- IntEnz - Integrated Relational Enzyme Database
- ExplorEnz - the enzyme database
- MEROPS - an information resource for peptidases
- REBASE - The Restriction Enzyme Database
Useful Links Cape Biology Impact Factor
Signaling pathways

- NetPath - manually curated resource of signal transduction pathways in humans
- Reactome - a signaling pathway database
- WikiPathways - a database of biological pathways
Protein phosphorylation
- Phospho.ELM - phosphorylation site database
- PHOSIDA - phosphorylation site database
- dbPAF - database of phospho-sites in animals and fungi
- PhosphoNET - human phosphosite knowledgebase
- DEPOD - the human DEPhOsphorylation database
Protein-protein interactions
- IntAct - a protein interaction database at EBI
- BioGRID - a repository for interaction datasets
- STRING - known and predicted protein-protein interactions
Protein abundance and localization
- The Human Protein Atlas - an effort to map all the human proteins in cells, tissues and organs using integration of various omics technologies
- PaxDb - Protein Abundance Database
Structure Databases
- PDB - Protein Data Bank
- CATH - a classification of protein structures from the Protein Data Bank
- Protein Model Portal (PMP) - access to computed models and interactive services for model building
- RNA Bricks - a database of RNA 3D structure motifs and their contacts
- COSMIC-3D - a platform for understanding cancer mutations in the context of 3D protein structure
Useful Links Cape Biology Multiple Choice
Small Molecules
- Pubchem - an open chemistry database at the National Institutes of Health
- ChEBI - Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI), a freely available dictionary of molecular entities focused on 'small' chemical compounds
- HMDB - The Human Metabolome Database
Cancer-related Resources
- GDC Data Portal - platform that allows to search and download cancer data for analysis (from the TCGA and other projects)
- COSMIC - the Catalogue Of Somatic Mutations In Cancer
- cBioportal - visualization, analysis and download of large-scale cancer genomics data sets
- Oncoscape - patterns and relationships between clinical and molecular factors
- GEPIA - interactive web server for analyzing the RNA-seq data of tumors and normal samples from the TCGA and the GTEx projects
- canSAR - an integrated knowledge-base that brings together multidisciplinary data across biology, chemistry, pharmacology, structural biology, cellular networks and clinical annotations, and applies machine learning approaches to provide drug-discovery useful predictions
- CCLE - Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia
- DepMap - Cancer Dependency Map
- GDSC - Genomics of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer
Useful Links Cape Biology Key
Species-specific Resources
- MGI - Mouse Genome Informatics
- IMPC - International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium
- RGD - The Rat Genome Database
- ZFIN - The Zebrafish Information Network
- XenBase - resources related to biology of X. laevis and X. tropicalis
- FlyBase - resources related to biology of D. melanogaster and other Drosophilidae
- WormBase - resources related to biology of C. elegans and related nematodes
- PomBase - a comprehensive database for the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe
- SGD - Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD), comprehensive integrated biological information for the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- TAIR - The Arabidopsis Information Resource
Other Resources
- Codon usage table database at HIVE